martes, 27 de abril de 2010


El Presidente de México reacciona con oportuna energía frente a la intolerancia y la discriminación legalizadas por la gobernadora de Arizona contra los inmigrantes mexicanos. Obama, discorde con ella, tendrá de todos modos que abordar la cuestión inmigratoria, tanto como la del tráfico de drogas, en su encuentro con Calderón el mes próximo. Supongo que Chávez y su séquito de "bolivariano" aprovecharán la ocasión para aguijonear los conflictos entre las dos Américas.

Top of the Agenda: Calderón Condemns Arizona Immigrant Law

Mexican President Felipe Calderón criticized an aggressive new immigration law in Arizona requiring legal immigrants to carry documentation of their status. Calderón said the measure "opens the door to intolerance and hatred" (WashPost). Police will also be permitted to question anyone they "reasonably suspect" of being undocumented. The law becomes active in ninety days. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R) said the costs of illegal immigration and lack of federal enforcement required her to act at the state level. Mexican officials said the law could hurt trade, tourism, and bilateral ties. Calderón said the measure would top the agenda for his May visit with U.S. President Barack Obama, who has called the measure "misguided."

Critics say the legislation will compel police to enforce both criminal and immigration law (CSMonitor), which will often not be possible to do simultaneously.


The Economist says immigration brings "the best ideas from around the world to American shores" and serves as a source of soft power for the United States. But an unemployment rate of 10 percent makes immigration reform difficult.

CFR's Edward Alden writes that Arizona's new immigration law is unwise, unworkable, and probably unconstitutional; and the rest of the country is to blame.


Read this CFR Task Force Report on U.S. immigration policy.

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